Astronomy in the daytime? Absolutely! We will watch sun spots if weather permits.

As a current passes through the outer coil, a magnetic field is created and due to the large number of windings of the inner coil, a huge step up in voltage occurs.

See how much power it actually takes to light a bulb!

Generate cool colorful pictures by riding a bike.

Will the car on the shortest track be first at the finish line?

Watch the marvelous motion of soap bubbles large and small in a container with dry ice.

Roll a penny or ball and see how stars and black holes deform space and attract other masses.

If weather permits, there’s always something to see in the sky using a telescope.

Exploring phase transitions with liquid nitrogen which create an explosion of fun.

How does a square-wheeled tricycle ride smoothly? Adjust it’s terrain!

Our Van de Graaff Generator can give you a stylish hairdo with static electricity.

This huge pendulum seems to be rotating on it’s own plane of oscillation, but is it?